Privacy Policy

I dati personali dell’;utente sono utilizzati da COTZA ANGELICA DI FARCI LUCIANO E PIU’; SAS S.a.s., who is the owner for the treatment, in compliance with the principles of protection of personal data established by the GDPR 2016/679 Regulation and the national legislation in force.
La raccolta dei dati personali viene effettuata da COTZA ANGELICA DI FARCI LUCIANO E PIU’; SAS S.a.s. recording data:
; collected directly from the interested party, at the time of initial contact or subsequent communications
1. We inform you that the data will be processed with the support of the following means:
; Informatica
; Mista –; electronic and paper for the following purposes:
; Fulfillment of legal obligations related to commercial relationships
; General customer analysis
; Promotional activities
; Processing, print, enveloping and sending of invoices
; Provision of the product service
; Litigation management (contracts, orders, Arrivals, invoices)
; Customer management (contracts, orders, shipments and invoices)
; Sending of courtesy communications and / or promotional / informative material
; Property protection
; Detection, infringement prevention and control
; Services for the protection of consumers and users
; Payment acceptance service
2. The legal bases on which the processing for common data is based, secondo l’;Article 6 of the GDPR Regulation, I'm:
; Legitimate interest;
; Contract;
; Consent;
The legal bases on which the processing for particular categories of personal data is based, secondo l’;Article 9 of the GDPR Regulation, I'm:
; Legitimate interest;
; Consent;
The company processes the optional data of users based on consent, that is, by explicitly approving this privacy policy and in relation to the methods and purposes described below.
3. Without prejudice to communications made in fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations, all data collected and processed may be communicated exclusively for the purposes specified above to the following categories of recipients:

; Supervisory and control authority;
; Consultants and freelancers also in associated form;
; Employer;
; Police forces;
; Authorized persons;
; Internal managers;
; Companies and businesses;
; Judicial Offices;
In managing your data, Moreover, the following categories of authorized persons and / or internal and external managers identified in writing and to whom specific written instructions on the processing of data have been provided:
; Make us Luciano, c.f. FRCLCN46A30F808X –; Attorney
; Duke Remo, c.f. DCURME68S03B354Y –; Administrative
; Duke Stephen, c.f. DCUSFN74E08B354K –; Fruit and vegetable manager
; Federica is missing, c.f. MNCFRC86H54F979F –; Store manager
; Make us Matteo, c.f. FRCMTT91D09F808R –; Administrative
; Licheri Claudia, c.f. LCHCDM83H57F808S –; Administrative
; Cotza Angelica di Farci Luciano &; More S.A.S., p.iva 0157551928 –; N. D.
The data retention period is:
; Customer management: 10 years
; Video surveillance: The data will be processed for as long as necessary to carry out the existing business relationship and for the next ten years from the date of acquisition of the same..
4. Pursuant to the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and the national legislation in force, l’;interested can, in accordance with the procedures and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:
; richiedere la conferma dell’;existence of personal data concerning him (right of access by the interested party - art. 15 of Regulation 679/2016);
; conoscerne l’;origin;
; receive intelligible communication;
; get information about the logic, the methods and purposes of the processing;
; richiederne l’;update, rectification, l’;integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected (right of rectification and cancellation - art. 16 and 17 of Regulation 679/2016);
; right of limitation and / or opposition to the processing of data concerning him (art. 18 of Regulation 679/2016);
; right of revocation;
; right to data portability (art. 20 of Regulation 679/2016);
; in cases of consent-based processing, receive their data provided to the owner, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
; the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (right of access by the interested party - art. 15 of Regulation 679/2016).
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5. Titolare del trattamento dei Suoi dati personali è COTZA ANGELICA DI FARCI LUCIANO E PIU’; SAS S.a.s., p.iva 0157551928, c.f. 0157551928
; Email:
; Phone: 0709930637
Cotza Angelica di Farci Luciano &; More S.A.S., p.iva 0157551928
; Phone: 0709930637